Our goal is to enable small (8-10 cyclists) groups of Americans to see and experience the rich landscape and culture of England and France through affordable cycling trips. The tours are not focused on hammering away at the pedals, but on seeing, feeling, smelling, and tasting the country and learning about its people and history.
My name is Andy Brown (on the right), and I will be your guide and trip leader for the England and France Tours. I started my career as a NASA Rocket Engineer in 1986, but during vacations I organized and led week-long bike tours for friends in Napa, California, the coast of Maine, the Loire Valley, France, and Wiltshire, Oxfordshire, Yorkshire, Kent and Sussex, England. In addition, I have ridden with small cycling companies in England, The Czech Republic, Ireland, Italy, and Austria, and have done the well-known cross state BRAT, RAGBRAI, and Cycle Main Street, Louisiana rides. I started Country Lanes Cycle Tours in 2018, and I have had a great time while learning a lot about guiding cycling trips!
My friend Drew Reynolds (on the left, we included our friend Anita to make the photo worth looking at!) has toured his whole life, including a cross-US ride and several rides in Ireland, and has recently retired from his Periodontal practice. He lived in Germany for several years and picked up the language and a lot of the country. He will be leading the Bavarian tours, which he started in 2023. Drew has been my assistant for three years and I know he has the same love of cycle touring that I do.
Cycling Links in Huntsville, Alabama
I have enjoyed the cycling community in Huntsville for the last 38 years! Here are some links to organizations that make this happen:

Spring City Cycling Club – www.springcity.org

Bicycle Cove, Huntsville’s largest bike shop – www.bicycle-cove.com
Sunset Bicycles – www.sunsetbicycles.com